The Sermon on the Mount is perhaps one of the most recognised passages of scripture in the Bible. In an echo of Moses giving the law at Mount Sinai and what life in the Promised Land should look like, this sermon of Jesus spoken on a mountain, inaugurates and proclaims the good news of the kingdom. Jesus describes what life in the kingdom of heaven looks like and most importantly reveals what the character of God is like as he gathers a new kingdom people to reflect his character. This series is an invitation for us to sit at the feet of Jesus and to follow him in establishing his kingdom here on earth!
Listen again
Nancy Bentliff wraps up our series on the sermon on the mount from Matthew 7:28-29
Andy Wright shares on the importance of putting into practice Jesus’ teaching from his sermon on the mount from Matthew 7:24-27
Robin Mendelsohn shares on how to apply Jesus’ teaching from his sermon on the mount from Matthew 7:13-23
Phil Norris shares on the differences between judgement and discernment from Matthew 7:1-12
Dave Oliver shares on the traps of wealth and worry from Matthew 6:19-34
Rikk Watts shares on the place of generosity, prayer and fasting in the life of a disciple of Jesus from Matthew 6:1-18
Nancy Bentliff shares on raising the bar from the Jesus’ sermon on the mount in Matthew 5:33-48
Farayi Nyakubaya shares on being a people of reconciliation from Matthew 5:21-32
Dave Oliver shares on piercing the bubble or taking the load from Luke 4:18 & Matthew 5:17-20
Phil Norris shares on the salt & light metaphors used by Jesus in the sermon on the mount from Matthew 5:13-16
All serieS
This term we're excited to be sharing about our refreshed vision as church community.
At the beginning of 2024 we are looking at where the Spirit is moving in the Hub
In this series we share stories of inspiring people from the Bible and church history who have proclaimed the good news of Jesus in life and in words. As we connect these individual stories with our own lives, along with our values and vision in the Hub, our prayer is that we will find the courage to share our own story and make room for the Spirit of God to write new stories for us, and the church, as we follow Jesus together!
What does it look like to be the household, or family, of God? What picture does God paint in the Bible of what his church should be like? What should be our character be as God’s church today?
We occasionally invite special guest speakers to our meetings from within and outside our wider church family to share from a different perspective on what God is doing in the nation or around the world.